The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
At Kerswell Kids Preschool the EYFS curriculum and Birth to 5 Matters Framework supports our work and helps shape learning and development.

At Preschool we use ‘Rainbow Rules’ as an effective way of setting limits and expectations. We use positive reinforcement of good behaviour, to help build self-confidence and self-worth. Children are continually praised for their efforts, and their opinions and interests are valued, listened to and acted upon.

Outdoor Learning & Forest School Activities
At Kerswell Kids Preschool we believe being outdoors has a positive impact on children's sense of well-being and helps all aspects of a child’s development.
Being outdoors offers opportunities for doing things in different ways and on different scales than when indoors. It gives children first-hand contact with weather, seasons and the natural world.
Outdoor environments offer children freedom to explore, use their senses, and be physically active and exuberant.

Your Child’s Online Learning Journey and Care System
You will automatically be set up on our Tapestry System even before your child begins at the Preschool. You will then be able to track your child's Learning and Development Journey at Preschool.
You are able to access the system in two ways, either by downloading the app onto a smart device or via from your desktop, you will automatically be sent a notification to the email you provide to the Preschool, you are able to request additional logins for additional family members or other childcare professionals like a nanny or childminder.