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Kerswell Kids Preschool fully recognises its responsibility for child protection, learn about our safeguarding procedures

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E Safety

Kerswell Kids' Preschool have a duty to ensure children in the Preschool are not exposed to inappropriate information or materials. We also ensure that children know how to ask for help if they come across material that makes them feel uncomfortable.


British Values &      

The Prevent Duty

British values include: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. These should be promoted in age appropriate way.


At Preschool we focus on children’s personal, social and emotional development. The Early Years Foundation Stage framework supports us to do this in an age appropriate way, through ensuring children learn right from wrong, mix and share with other children and value other’s views, know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and challenge negative attitudes and stereotypes.


The Prevent duty requires us to have due regard to help prevent the risk of radicalisation, all practitioners are alert to any issues of concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere.


Under data protection law, individuals have a right to be informed about how Kerswell Kids Preschool uses any personal data that we hold on them. We comply with this right by providing 'privacy notices' (sometime called fair processing notices) to individuals where we are processing their personal data.


Our privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about individuals.

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